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Your one man project/band

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Posted by Soliloquy, 20.09.2006 - 23:58
i know a bunch of you have your lil one man bands or stuff on myspace or whatever. post em here, instead of creating 100's of different pages.

and i'm doing a crappy job at it too. but meh, i'm having fun
29.08.2016 - 16:01
Hey guys, I listened to all the stuff that you posted and I have to say I was really impressed by some of those. I noticed that some of you dont have enough time to dedicate on recording/mixing/mastering your songs. I would be really happy to collaborate with you to mix/master your songs whenever you dont have enough time or simply you dont know have the appropriate knowledge to do it. You can listen to some of my work here : Im looking mostly to collaborate than earn money as I really love mixing/mastering
29.08.2016 - 16:49
Written by deadpiece on 29.08.2016 at 16:01

Hey guys, I listened to all the stuff that you posted and I have to say I was really impressed by some of those. I noticed that some of you dont have enough time to dedicate on recording/mixing/mastering your songs. I would be really happy to collaborate with you to mix/master your songs whenever you dont have enough time or simply you dont know have the appropriate knowledge to do it. You can listen to some of my work here : Im looking mostly to collaborate than earn money as I really love mixing/mastering

Heya! I might actually be interested in having someone improve my mixing in the very near future. Out of curiosity, what programs do you use and do you think you could improve say, my latest song "Cold Blue Ice" by a significant amount? I recorded everything on Guitar Rig 5, Notion and Audacity. I used a USB mic for vocals and for recording acoustic guitar. Is that too amateurish or can you work with that?
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
29.08.2016 - 18:12
Hey there dude, I certainly believe I can enhance Cold Blue Ice sonically but its really up to you to decide if indeed this is true. I dont care if the gear is cheap, what I listened to Cold blue Ice seem like well recorded guitars/vocals. I use mostly Cubase as my workstation and as Drum machines I use Addictive Drums 2, Superior Drummer, Steven Slate Drums and I have a few Guitar simulators (Bias, Revalver 4, Guitar Rig 5) but It all comes down to what the artist wants to achieve soundwise. A reference song of a similar genre band you really like would help

PS. I believe something like Dissection's "Storm Of the Light Bane" is close soundwise, but thats my personal view.
06.10.2016 - 17:04
Hey Ladies and Gents, this is my progressive instrumental metal project based in Chichester, combining grooves of progressive metal with the dense atmospheres of post-rock, post-metal and electronic music.

This is my debut album, FFO Meshuggah, Tool, Isis, Cloudkicker and Miroist. Available now on bandcamp for free if or you would like to donate you can name your price!

Thanks for taking the time for checking it out!

Colossus - Pt1. The Panic
Colossus - Pt2. The Storm
Flesh and Bone
The Stranger
Into the Aether

Don Philpots (Guitar\Bass\Synths\Programming\Production)
23.10.2016 - 12:09
I'm actually doing 2 things right now, but I'm hoping for a 3rd to come up eventually.

I've got my personal 1-Man-Album in the works:

Then I've got a collaborative thing on the go called 'The J3T BL4CK Project' (Which is where I collab my One-Man styled thing with other artists of any kind)

PS: I'm still learning how to compose Metal for the most part, as I come from doing EDM and punk rock, but I Think(?) I'm doing okay so far. Haha.

Thanks to anyone who check my stuff out, ahead of time!
I've got 4 album in mind, working on 1 at a time. Currently? My Dark Story. Not sure I'd call i tmetal though.. I'm dumb so I wouldn't know.
05.11.2016 - 20:47
Thinking of ditching the rock/metal stuff for awhile and maybe trying to do some ambient/horror music with minimal use of keyboards and/or guitar.

Here's an example of what I am thinking of doing in the future (all sounds made with the human mouth, except for the clink-clink-clink, made with a finger and a coffee cup):

Let me know, if there's potential in this.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
06.11.2016 - 02:27
^cool stuff! I suppose you recorded the noises (as you say mouth and fingers were used) and then applied a load of effects? What I like about dark ambient is that it doesn't take much to do if you have the right ideas, so it's a load of fun!!

Had a couple of friends that encourage me to continue doing dark ambient/experimental as it could apparently fit in sort of creepy cinematic music stuff. Sort of like this
--> shameless self-whoring

Also related is the quite great label Cryo Chamber, even if the stuff I went through really have a tendency for repetition with the same atmosphere and approach.
06.11.2016 - 11:38
Recorded everything in Audacity and only used pitch and tempo changes, echo and reverb.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
12.11.2016 - 00:26
The 2nd track from the album I am working on as Dreadrealm, inspired by The Witcher 3:

My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
16.11.2016 - 20:37
Soundtrack Metal maybe?

21.11.2016 - 01:01
Hello metal world,

I'd like to introduce my band, Anthroskepsis. The music has been described as Melodic Nu-Death or Growler Rap Metal.This is a one person project at the present time, and I'm mainly just working on getting my music heard. I've released 3 albums to iTunes,, Spotify and the like. I'll throw some links down below.

But a little info about the music itself: the instrumentals are mainly influenced by early death metal, some thrash and some folkish touches. I dabble in the melodic realms of metal as well, with some detectable In Flames-esque nodes. The vocals are primarily done in a midrange death scream, with some lows and some highs thrown in, and the pacing of the vocals is based a lot on a fast-paced rap delivery. There are also a couple songs where the vocals are primarily sung, and the backing music a touch softer.

I am hoping to gain some feedback on the music,as I've worked very hard to hone in on the sound and have been putting a lot of effort into the product of my musical endeavor. Honestly, positive or negative feedback is welcomed. I understand I'm not a commercially produced band, so there's going to be room for improvement. I am also interested in collaborating with anyone who feels they would be interested in contributing to the sound or has a similar style to mesh with. Check out the albums below, even just the 30 second clips if you'd like and let me know what you think!

1st release "Ragnarok"-

2nd release "Anthroskepsis (self titled)"-

3rd release "The Skeptic"-

Again, hoping to get some feedback on my music and looking forward to checking out any other bands I find on this forum.

21.11.2016 - 03:14
This is a good sample of the kind of music I specialize in. Nu-Death. Sort of a mixture of death metal and tech n9ne style rap vocals. Check out this lyric video for R.E.M.
03.12.2016 - 21:04
Here's my soloproject

equipment: guitar, amplifier, audacity and guitar pro.

I'm not very good in mixing so it's good learning. Doing more songs now.
10.12.2016 - 01:05
My 2nd split screen video and a new song, not metal though. Lyrics are in Estonian.

I went back to one of my favorite genres: meldodic punk(ish) rock, which some in Estonia call new-romantic punk rock.

Here's a very rough translation of the lyrics:

Once my earthly woes have ended
I hope no one will dig me a grave
Funerals, coffins and all that jazz
Is a bunch of pointless crap
Put a Vennaskond (an Estonian punk band) T-shirt on me
And throw me into the swamp

We have many bogs here
And there's plent of space in them
When wearing my favorite band's T-shirt
I will become a cool bog body
It will be fun to find me in the swamp
Like Frodo and Sam found an entire army
The bog keeps my body from decomposing
And I shall see no harsh days

I've been to too many funerals
And I find it silly
Staring at a lifeless corpse
Why is an open casket such an obsession?
Funeral's are a bunch of pointless crap
My friends, I ask of you: throw me into the swamp.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
07.01.2017 - 20:02
Marc Durkee
Acoustic Katatonia cover:
20.02.2017 - 09:25

- Zero mixing skills
- Guitars recorded through ROCKSMITH Real Tone Cable
- Bad Guitar player

Other than that, enjoy
04.03.2017 - 22:57
New track with my one-man prog / alt rock project Rainlight. Inspired by Opeth's earlier albums.

My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
11.03.2017 - 23:00
Just leaving here what I was doing with PC (all PC sounding) 6 years ago or so
28.03.2017 - 11:19
I have no work recorded to show for it because I'm a lazy little bastard right now, but I have the band name?
The working title is Bloody Hammer (crosses fingers that nobody steals name).
Power metal incarnate.
01.04.2017 - 04:22
Got off of my lazy ass and went back to composing for Dreadrealm, by best project. Here's a new interlude-type track, inspired somewhat by early Burzum:

My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
06.04.2017 - 17:25
Might as well drop my new track here, in case anyone's interested in one-man-projects anymore.

My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
07.04.2017 - 16:08
^I have the impression you improve with every song. Tbh, this and some of your previous songs, like with Arcanewind, sound better than many so called "professional" bands.
07.04.2017 - 16:33
Written by Vombatus on 07.04.2017 at 16:08

^I have the impression you improve with every song. Tbh, this and some of your previous songs, like with Arcanewind, sound better than many so called "professional" bands.

Massive thanks! Glad to hear that I am improving. The annoying part about that is that I no longer like Arcanewind tracks that much, I find them too simplistic and lacking in atmosphere. I guess I'll be focusing on Dreadrealm from now on. I have 2 more tracks in the works and once they're completed I will start saving up money for an actual CD release. As promised (ages ago), everyone who has encouraged me and given me feedback will get a free signed copy
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
08.04.2017 - 17:26
You could also contact a few labels if you want to go that way. Shouldn't be too hard to find considering the amount of shit that manages to get released
10.04.2017 - 20:34
^ Great shit bro!

Now, give me a free copy
10.04.2017 - 20:40
Written by Paz on 10.04.2017 at 20:34

^ Great shit bro!

Now, give me a free copy

Added thee to my list. Poland's not far away from Estonia either, might just deliver it in person. Haha!
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
10.04.2017 - 21:06
With all honesty, I really liked what you did here... A great usage of samples and overall killer atmosphere. The harsh vocals are really cool
(I was expecting something pathetic lol) and the cleans definitely not bad either. Keep up the good work!
10.04.2017 - 21:14
Written by Paz on 10.04.2017 at 21:06

With all honesty, I really liked what you did here... A great usage of samples and overall killer atmosphere. The harsh vocals are really cool
(I was expecting something pathetic lol) and the cleans definitely not bad either. Keep up the good work!

Thanks, it means a lot to a starting artist like me, it really does. It's just my opinion, but I actually think three other tracks I have on my Dreadrealm youtube channel are better than this most recent one. "The Essence Of Winter", "Midwinter Feast At The Queen's Castle" (instrumentals) and "Norsemaiden's Lament", where I think my growls and cleans are both the best I've ever done are tracks I myself like more.

And thanks again, for listening and for the encouragement. You've more than earned a free signed copy

EDIT: A special thanks for the killer atmosphere comment. That one really made my day.
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads:
11.04.2017 - 21:40
I would like to share my new black metal project - Zagłada. You can listen my new album on Bandcamp: Any kind of constructive comments will be really appreciated.
12.04.2017 - 10:10
Written by Mornië Utulie on 11.04.2017 at 21:40

I would like to share my new black metal project - Zagłada. You can listen my new album on Bandcamp: Any kind of constructive comments will be really appreciated.

Hey, man! I remember listening to your Mornië Utulie project on Youtube quite some time ago and I am glad to say that (if I remember my feelings on that one correctly) it seems you've improved quite a lot in the songwriting department. I am really enjoying Zaglada, loving that the songs seem to have more aggressive momentum than MU had. I listened to Pale Rivers and Without End and then decided to purchase the whole album (I would have paid more, but I really am quite broke atm ). I am guessing that a lot of people would want slightly better production, but I love that raw sound and somewhat drowned-ish vocal mixing.

Overall I'd say keep focusing on Zaglada, You've really got something worthwhile going here, I'd rate what I've heard so far with a 7.5/10 easily and maybe higher once I listen to the full album. And anyone else, who is wondering whether to give this project a chance, I'd say take a listen. This really is good stuff

Best of luck with Your music!!!!
My one-man project's Bandcamp with free downloads: