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28.07.2009 - 10:01
Heaven Knight

Genre: Gothic/Black Metal
Lyrics: funerals, industries, city mythologies, humour
Country: Czech Republic, Ostrava
Formed: 2003
Metal Archives:

kinda joke band from our country combining solid black metal music and vocals with really crazy lyrics, which should be called avantgarde poetry under other circumstances...from their site you can download whole album "Brána do ří?e truchlivé" ("Gate to the mourning land") they made (only one unfortunately) in section "Plech" and then clicking each song title...i would say one of the best from our country (though other projects, where guy named "Lord Morbivod" participated, are great too - Stíny Plamenů, Trollech, War For War, etc. )
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

28.07.2009 - 11:37
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Hmmm band loos interesting but do you know where I hear anything from band, XIII Stoleti and 2 vids like ''Kniyza Temnoty'' and ''XIIi Stoleti''
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.07.2009 - 12:24
Heaven Knight
Lol...XIII. století is cheesy band for young gothic girls... making themselves more interesting and attractive with some controversial songs like "Zánik Izraele" ("The downfall of Israel") but they dont really mean it...

so well, since i dont listen to them at all, i can only provide MySpace link (unofficial) -, or try youtube, there is plenty of their songs uploaded
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep

28.07.2009 - 12:40
Bad English
Tage Westerlund
Written by Ellrohir on 28.07.2009 at 12:24

Lol...XIII. století is cheesy band for young gothic girls... making themselves more interesting and attractive with some controversial songs like "Zánik Izraele" ("The downfall of Israel") but they dont really mean it...

so well, since i dont listen to them at all, i can only provide MySpace link (unofficial) -, or try youtube, there is plenty of their songs uploaded

Well since is Cz band it was interesting for me, Cz is nicest slavic langauge for metal and singing
I stand whit Ukraine and Israel. They have right to defend own citizens.

Stormtroopers of Death - "Speak English or Die"

I better die, because I never will learn speek english, so I choose dieing
28.07.2009 - 13:02
Heaven Knight
Written by Bad English on 28.07.2009 at 12:40

Cz is nicest slavic langauge for metal and singing

you see? i would say it's Russian (metal hails to Arkona and Temnozor ) well Slovakian language sounds me better...
My rest seems now calm and deep
Finally I got my dead man sleep
