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Arjen Lucassen - Quits Stream Of Passion, New Ayreon Album Update

An new interview with Arjen Lucassen has been posted on the official Ayreon website. Lucassen mainly talks about what happened to him the past few months, his departure from Stream Of Passion and his work on the upcoming Ayreon album.
A couple of relevant excerpts follow, the entire interview can be found here:

* First off, a lot has happened in the past few months, we all are curious to know how you are doing.

- I'm sad to say that I've been through a personal hell the last couple of months. I worked non-stop for many years and due to living on my own after the divorce with Jolanda, I have had a new (at first completely different) lifestyle. It has taken its toll, I guess.

On top of everything else, I lost my sense of taste and smell (Anosmia) two months ago and sunk into a deep depression. With medical help and, most of all, the help of my closest friends (including Jolanda) I'm slowly climbing out of the black hole now. Last week I kicked my own butt back into the studio and fortunately the inspiration is slowly beginning to flow again.

* What are your plans concerning Stream of Passion at this moment?

- Because I will be fully concentrating on the new Ayreon for at least the next year, I have no more time for SoP, so I quit the band. It would be unfair to have them wait until I'm ready, especially now things are going so well for SoP.

* Does this mean the end of Stream of Passion?

- Fortunately not, the band will continue without me. They will write their own songs and I'm sure there's enough talent in the band to make a great new album and undertake successful tours without me pulling the strings.

* Now onto the new Ayreon:

When did you actually start recording?

- Basically I started recording a few months ago but due to my depression and the SoP tour I hadn't been in the studio until a week ago.

* Can you give us a tiny hint of what we can expect musically?

- Because of my frame of mind the material so far is quite dark. There are some pretty heavy passages and the soft parts are quite mysterious. Though, to even it out, I will probably record some folky and happier stuff in the coming months when I feel better. I do think I will succeed in having it sound different from my previous albums again. I'm also thinking of releasing a single album this time, and using the remaining tracks as bonustracks for those who are interested. As some know, I hate to repeat myself and do the expected! Don't know if I will succeed though, things often turned out differently than the way I planned them...

* Have you got any ideas yet as to the story of the new Ayreon?

- Yes, but I haven't decided yet which way to go. I do know it will be a science fiction theme again, I really missed it :-) This time I would like to make the lyrics and the concept less obvious and more cryptic than before, if I can do it. It will be a new challenge. So if you can follow the story, I did something wrong :-)

* Have you decided on any musical guests yet?

- I do have a wish list of singers. But I will only decide on the guest musicians once the music is finished so I have a better view on what kind of voices I will need. Of course Ed (Warby) will drum and as usual I will play most instruments myself.

Band profile: Ayreon
Posted: 06.03.2007 by Thryce


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Comments: 10   Visited by: 10 users
06.03.2007 - 18:22
Account deleted
Holy shit... Anosmia is something I really dont want to experiance....
06.03.2007 - 21:31
Written by [user id=5394] on 06.03.2007 at 18:22

Holy shit... Anosmia is something I really dont want to experiance....

same here
good luck to mr.Lucassen for getting well and delivering the album!
oh my fucking god, fucking dinosaurs
06.03.2007 - 21:52
Dark Blood
The Avenger
Damn.. Mr. Lucassen has been through a lot.. :\ Be strong!
I'm sad he quits SoP, but in the other hand I'm glad he's full concentrated at the new Ayreon album.
It is humanity who must pay homage to the greatness of the Universe... not the Universe to the human narcissism.
06.03.2007 - 23:08
OMG poor Arjen Im sad he left SoP but well, im glad he is better and fully concentrating on Ayreon, hes one of my favorites musicians. Go Arjen , I hope the new material is as good as THE as well different and darker as he said.
07.03.2007 - 01:39
Kap'N Korrupt
Account deleted
Never heard of Stream Of Passion they fall into the same epic conceptual progressive vein as Ayreon? Good news about the new Ayreon album Ayreon is ALWAYS welcome as far as I'm concerned...
07.03.2007 - 06:09
Lord Grim
Stream of Passion is great, especially considering their FEMALE GUITARIST can do more than the overrated Alexi Laiho. Haha. Pure pwnage.
"Those who dwell among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary in life."
07.03.2007 - 06:16
Yeah she is great, I liked a loot SoP and now that I come to think about it, Im afraid is not going to be the same without the touch of Arjen But oh well, like he said they are very talented and maybe they will sorprise us, if they really continue though.
07.03.2007 - 14:04
Account deleted
Ow, poor Arjen.

I think SoP has the talent to grow up by themselves ; the band roxx so hard

btw, good new thhat there'll be a new Ayreon album can't wait to listen to it !
07.03.2007 - 15:21
Angel of Lust
I'm sorry for Arjen, hope he will get well soon, so good luck!
And can't wait for the new Ayreon album...

"The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear,
and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown."
Howard Phillips Lovecraft
08.03.2007 - 23:28
Bitch Boy
I hope the recording of the new album will make Arjen feels better.

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