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Elvenking - To Record An Acoustic Album

Italian metallers Elvenking have some news regarding their upcoming album on their website:

Hello everybody!

It's been a while since the release of our last album "The Scythe", which moved a whirlwind of different reactions on the metal crowd (thing that we love so much ) and is growing as a great success for this band.

Now we'd like to announce that Elvenking are working on a brand new exciting project. The next release from Elvenking will be another great challenge, something that once again will create curiosity: a totally acoustic album.

So no hard riffing and headbanging amount of metallic mayhem this time, but softer, romantic but still strong and emotional rhymes in music. We can consider this as an experiment, something that shows once again how much this band needs everytime new paths to follow and to express itself and its musical ideas.

If someone thinks that this decision may come as a reaction to "The Scythe" album we can say that we are working on this idea since a lot of time and that is also why "The Scythe" contains a lot of heavy material and less folky stuff for example. The concept of that album didn't allow us to use some of the softer and easier melodies we are also used to, and there they will come to life.

The acoustic album will contain a lot of new songs and different approaches to the non-electric side of the band but also some older songs revisited in a totally new version. So be ready for something different, hoping you can appreciate also this side of the bans, that by the way you already know well for episodes like Skywards, On the Morning Dew, Disillusion's Reel, Totentanz, Hobs an' Feathers, Loser's Ball, ...just to name a few.

While we are working on this new project though, we are also songwriting for the next "standard" electric Elvenking album, choosing which ideas can be represented at best in acoustic or heavy form. This just to let you know that we are simultaneously working on the two things so you can consider the acoustic album as an intermezzo before the new Elvenking electric album

We have no release dates ideas for them yet, but in the meantime we'd love to invite you to visit us on stage for the next gigs and to share a beer with us!

May the winds blow fair at your backs!!

- Elvenking

Band profile: Elvenking
Posted: 15.04.2008 by Bararey | Comments (20)

Celtic Frost - Tom Gabriel Fischer Leaves The Band (UPDATED)

A very brief statement was posted on Celtic Frost's website states the following:

"Celtic Frost singer and guitarist Tom Gabriel Fischer has left Celtic Frost due to the irresolvable, severe erosion of the personal basis so urgently required to collaborate within a band so unique, volatile, and ambitious."

UPDATED on 11 April (thanks to SlaytallicA):

Celtic Frost singer and guitarist Tom Gabriel Fischer talks about his departure from the band. Here's his statement:

"I am devastated beyond description, and I am infinitely disappointed. As the one member of Celtic Frost who is exposed most dramatically to the feedback by our audiences and the media, I feel troubled and humiliated about being unable to honor the enormous goodwill extended to Celtic Frost during the past few years and meet the justified expectations of our fans.

I have always seen the Monotheist album as a mere beginning, and a tame one at that. My mind and spirit are full of energy, creativity, and ideas. Celtic Frost had become the unreserved focus of my life for the second time. I was looking forward immeasurably to working on the next Celtic Frost album. To me, it needed to be darker, heavier, and more experimental than Monotheist.

And yet, Celtic Frost consisted of three individuals, and I was only one of them. In the end I had to concede to myself that there was no other option.

My friendship with and respect for Martin Eric Ain remain unaffected. Moreover, I am in the process of assessing my options to eventually complete, record, and release some of the ideas I originally created for Celtic Frost and the planned next album in the course of the past few years, and to take our distinctive music out on the road again.

There is no way back."


Band profile: Celtic Frost
Posted: 09.04.2008 by Bararey | Comments (55)

Adagio - Parts Ways With Vocalist

Vocalist Gus Monsanto has posted the following announcement on his myspace page:

Brazilian singer/guitarist/songwriter Gus Monsanto has parted ways with French prog-metal band Adagio after four years of hard work, which included a successful album and a European tour.

"We parted ways friendly. It has been an overwhelming experience to fill David Readman's shoes and I will take with me the great people I met on the road, the friends I made during this period, the countries I have visited. The road stories and great music I made with Stephan, Franck, Eric and Kevin will not be forgotten. They will carry on as the archangels in black they are, as all of us are Metal Commandos," Monsanto said.

Gus' departure from Adagio will allow him to focus in other hard rock and heavy metal projects.

"There's a lot on my plate right now. June 08th will see the release of "The Lightseekers" CD, which is a really great French hard rock band I have been working with. I also have a spankin' new project called Zyon Vega, with fellow Aquaria members Bruno Agra (drums), Fernando Giovanetti (bass) and Alberto Kury (keyboards), plus Atlantida's guitarist, Alexandre Macedo, who's been pursuing this new chapter with me," Monsanto said.

Samples of Gus' latest efforts are available at this location

In other news, Gus is in advanced talks to join a well-known U.S. hard rock band replacing a world famous vocalist.

"I cannot tell the name of the band or anything else right now but I will disclose details as talks progress," Gus said.

Finally, Gus Monsanto is in the final stages of his first experience as a producer, with Brazilian metal band Skyrion, whose album is due out shortly.


Band profile: Adagio
Posted: 09.04.2008 by Bararey | Comments (4)

Stratovarius - Call It Quits

Guitarist Timo Tolkki has issued the following press release on his official website:

Dear Stratovarius Fans,

It is time to stop the silence and announce what some of you have already been speculating. Stratovarius is no more.

Last October I told the guys that I am stopping the band and told them the reasons why. This letter is addressed to you, Stratovarius fans, who have supported the band for so many years. I first thought that I would write just a very generelized, typical "music business" statement that basically never says anything. Then I decided that you deserve to hear at least parts of the truth what has been going on behind the scenes so you will be able to understand my decision better.

All the time, since TK and Jörg joined the band, there have been tensions and negativity flying around. This has been concentrating on me, TK and Jörg. The reasons Jari Kainulainen was fired some years back were so absurd that I am not even try to explain them here. If I write a book one day, maybe then. Anyways, I think the seeds were planted already back then, something like 12 years ago. There were many confrontations, Jörg has been complaining to me about TK and TK complaining to me about Jörg. At a times it was a mess, although of course, it never would show outside to the fans. It is not my intention to disrespect TK and Jörg here. They are both fundamentally good guys. Things just sometimes happen and relationships go to directions we don't want them to go. It's like a divorce, nobody wants it to happen but sometimes it is best for all so everyone can continue their own lives. Plus I want to tell how things have been behind the curtains. You always only see the good side anyway, you don't really know what is going on.

We had amazing years, 14 records, 6 world tours with over a thousand shows all across the Globe, 3 gold discs, a Finnish Grammy and almost 3 million records sold. I have arrived to my decision after careful, long and rational thinking of over a year and I know it is the right way for me. I just felt so bad being in Stratovarius. Something was terribly wrong in there and nobody seemed to care.

The countdown really started from the last Stratovarius album in 2005. At that time the atmosphere in the band was extremely weird. I had spent most of 2004 recovering from my nervous breakdown in April 2004 when I was hospitalized. It was at this point when things started to change. Jens supported me immensely during 2004 with his phone calls. We then did that "Stratovarius" album, which I think is an awful album and went for the subsequent tour production. By that time it was apparent to me that things really were bad. Nobody seemed to care about anything. I had the idea to use projection screens and for that, you need to produce graphics. I planned those and basically the whole show. Nobody seemed to have any interest in it. It was more like, the less the better. The atmosphere at the rehearsals was awful. Lauri Porra who had just joined the band was wondering what is going on with this band. Jörg Michael came straight from Saxon to this tour wearing a Saxon shirt during most of the shows. His attitude for most of the tour was extremely arrogant, pretty much towards everybody. But especially towards me and TK. And TK's attitude towards me was lukewarm and polite, but I could sense the hostility. Of course we as professionals put on very good shows but it was more craftmanship and rehearsed performance than a great united band playing emotionally from the heart. I think TK was always very bitter about that he could not get his songs and/or lyrics on Strato records. I did not understand this really cause he had/has his solo band where he could do what he wanted. It took me many years to learn to simply tell him that I don't like his songwriting and lyrics and that the main difference between me and him is that I am writing songs that end up being Strato songs while he is trying to write Strato songs that end up being Kotipelto songs, which means they belong on a Kotipelto record. It is not easy to say to someone that you don't like his music. You guys and girls dont like all music, neither do I. Neither does TK. I am not anyone to tell what is good and what is bad music, but I do can tell what kind of music I like. And TK's stuff just doesn't do it for me. I do have to say that I think he has written many great songs as well during his solo career. Plus he probably would say the same things about my songwriting. We are just very different. He has a very different sense of humor than I have. Maybe the weirdest thing in Strato was that we never really were friends in the band. I visited TK in 12 years perhaps 5 times. To me Jens was the closest in the band and lately Lauri Porra, who is a wonderful guy. But none of use was really ever real friends. It might be surprising to you but that is the truth.


Band profile: Stratovarius
Posted: 02.04.2008 by Bararey | Comments (63)

Epica - Vocalist Forced To Sit Out N. American Tour, Replacement Announced

Dutch metallers Epica have announced the following statement on their website:

The extra weeks of rest, as a result of the cancellation of most of this month's shows, have helped Simone a lot in recovering from her MRSA infection. Three out of the four aspects in her latest test already showed negative, which is a major step forward! Unfortunately this also means that one of these still showed positive. As optimistic as we may be about these final test results, we just cannot risk her health by having her go on tour this soon already.

We have come a great way already and we must continue this way to overcome this. Therefore we have decided to ask our good friend Amanda Somerville to substitute Simone on our upcoming USA tour. As you all know, Amanda has been involved with Epica from the beginning as a vocal coach and can also be heard on every album as backing vocalist as well as part of our choir. We are very happy that Amanda is willing to help us out on this and we are most positive that these extra weeks of rest will give Simone enough time to fully recover from this infection so that she can join us on stage again during our Dutch club shows.


Band profile: Epica
Event: Symphony X + Epica: N. American Tour
Posted: 23.03.2008 by Bararey | Comments (19)

Pyramaze - Upcoming Album Update

Danish metallers Pyramaze have announced the completion of recording their upcoming album "Immortal" cover]. Guitarists Michael Kammeyer stated:
"We are extremely happy with the outcome, and we are now ready to share a few clips with all of you loyal fans who have waited patiently for a little taste of the new stuff. We therefore give you two clips of the new album, with a length that is good enough to give you a fair feel for the songs."

Album tracklist:

01. Arise
02. Year Of The Phoenix MP3]
03. Ghost Light
04. Touched By The Mara
05. A Beautiful Death
06. Legacy In A Rhyme
07. Caramon's Poem MP3]
08. The Highland
09. Shadow Of The Beast
10. March Through An Endless Rain


Band profile: Pyramaze
Posted: 14.03.2008 by Bararey | Comments (9)

Theatres Des Vampires - Upcoming Album Details Revealed

Italian metallers Theatres Des Vampires have announced that their upcoming album "Anima Noir" cover] will be released on 2 May 2008 through Aural Music/SPV.

The album's tracklist:

01. Kain
02. Unspoken Words
03. Rain
04. Dust
05. From The Deep
06. Blood Addiction
07. Butterfly
08. Wherever You Are
09. Two Seconds
10. Anima Noir

"Kain," "Unspoken Words" and "Rain" are streaming at this location.

The following statement was also posted on the band's website:

"Anima Noir.. the new chapter of "the vampire chronicles" is near to be released, produced by Aural Music/SPV

After 3 years from the last Full Lenght Album "Pleasure and Pain", after the successfull release of the live DVD "The Addiction tour" and the double live cd "Desire of Damnation" in 2007, Theatres des Vampires is back with a new Full Lenght.

After a long tour that involved Mexico, Brasil, Russia, and several countries in Europe and Est Europe, Theatres des Vampires is back from the underworld, ready for a new bloodbath.
Anima Noir 10 tracks of PURE vampirism.. Romantic lyrics, lyrical voices, strong orchestration, powerfull guitars and powerfull drumming.
All the elements that you loved in Theatres des Vampires are back in this new production.

A new modern sound and a super modern production that took 6 months of work in the studio for recording and mixing it, offering you the best experience of vampirism as always, with the enchanting vocals of the mistress of your nightmare: Countess Sonya Scarlet, this time with her best performance ever"


Band profile: Theatres Des Vampires
Posted: 12.03.2008 by Bararey | Comments (4)

Urt - New Tracks Streaming Online

Estonian pagan metallers Urt have updated their myspace page with two tracks entitled "Pohjala Paganad" and "Karjed Pimedast Metsast." Both tracks come from the band's upcoming album "Saatanhark II - Ussikuningas" which is scheduled to be released later this year. The album features guest appearance such as L.O.N. from the Hellveto, Krauklis from Urskumug and Riho "Sorts" Kiiber from Ignorabimus.


Band profile: Urt
Posted: 12.03.2008 by Bararey | Comments (0)

Primal Fear - Guitarist Quits The Band

Guitarists Stefan Leibing has posted the following statement on the band's website:

Dear Primal Fear fans,

After 10 years being in Primal Fear I have decided to take a time out from the music business for some time. I do this for my family, especially for my two little sons, who deserve to have more time together with their father. Of course this is no easy decision, even if I know this is the right one.
I leave the guys from Primal Fear in friendship and want to thank them at this point for their understanding and supporting me in this decision.I also want to thank you fans for a wonderful time during the last years! I say goodbye to you, having in mind, that this will NOT be a goodbye forever!

Best regards,

The band has posted the following comment:

Well it's hard to see the curtain fall for a friend and a great player after ten years standing side by side. We have all respect for Stefan's decision. We were realizing the problems he went through the entire last year. He will be missed as a character and a great guitar player. There's an open door for Stefan in Primal Fear and we're working on the possibility, that Stefan will contribute a typical Stefan style song to our forthcoming album! Good luck Stefan to you and your family!

The band has also pointed out that both Stefan Leibing and Klaus Sperling will perform with Primal Fear at the 10 years anniversary concert in Reichenbach @ H2O and will be on stage for some special songs incl. a meet & greet.

UPDATED on 4 March:

New guitarist already found! Magnus Karlsson from Sweden. Magnus is known from his excellent work as a guitarist, songwriter and producer for Allen/Lande, Magnum's Bob Catley, Starbreaker and many more. More info here.


Band profile: Primal Fear
Event: Primal Fear: 10 Years Of Metal
Posted: 03.03.2008 by Bararey | Comments (12)

Malpractice - New Song Streaming Online

Finnish metallers Malpractice have posted a new song entitled "Maze Of Inequity" for streaming at this location.

The track comes from the band's upcoming album "Triangular" which will be released on 19 March 2008. The following is the album's tracklist:

01. Maze Of Inequity
02. Symmetry
03. Deception
04. Deadline
05. Platform
06. Triangular
07. Waves
08. Fragments


Band profile: Malpractice
Posted: 03.03.2008 by Bararey | Comments (1)

Epica - Mexican And Colombian Tour Cancelled

Dutch metallers Epica have posted the following update on their website:

After having had a couple of weeks of rest we were very much hoping that Simone's situation would have improved already. Unfortunately the last MRSA test was still positive and also the infections still haven't stopped completely. We have the feeling Simone's health is improving but unfortunately not enough yet. We cannot risk the health of Simone and therefore, with pain in our hearts, we cannot come to Mexico and Colombia again. Also two of our three shows in the UK are cancelled for this reason. It's still impossible for Simone to make long trips. As you can imagine we feel really bad about this, especially since our Mexican/Colombian tour was already postponed once before, but we also hope you understand and respect our decision on this. You all have our word that we will come back as soon as possible to make up for all this. Unfortunately at this moment we just can't tell when this will be but we hope before the end of this year.


Band profile: Epica
Event: Epica: Mexican And Colombian Tour [CANCELLED]
Posted: 01.03.2008 by Bararey | Comments (15)

Communic - Upcoming Album Update

Guitarist and vocalist Oddleif Stensland has written the following album update on the band's myspace page:

Finally, the mixing of the new album is done, and the master has been sent to our record company Nuclear Blast. Hopefully they will like what we have been working on, cause they have not a single clue on what this album contains, as they have not previewed any demos or anything prior to entering the studio, until the master drops on their office table. But we have tons of confident and this is some of the most insane work we have ever done. The guitar and drums sounds fantastic, and Tor-Atle is playing his best stuff ever, Erik's bass lines are more in your face than it has been before and my vocals has never been as varied as this before. We have no clue on what you guys out there will think of this new material, or what the magazines will have to say about it, but we know it will be hard to top the reviews and sound check positions from "Waves of Visual Decay", because they were so raving all over, so it will be exiting to follow the coming months of promotion.

We have also received a preview of the album artwork and it is simply amazing, and fits the theme and atmosphere that this album withholds, it will be shown here as soon as we are able to release it, along with the title of the album and the complete track list.

I have said earlier that the album would contain shorter songs but I guess that was a tiny lie, as most of the songs clocks in over 8 minutes. One on 7, one over 9, while two on 6. Well that's Communic I guess!

Band profile: Communic
Posted: 28.02.2008 by Bararey | Comments (6)

Coldworker - Upcoming Album Updates

Swedish death metallers Coldworker have posted updates about their forthcoming album on their website:

Coldworker's second album is entitled "Rotting Paradise" cover art] and will be released worldwide, tentatively, in May 2008. The album was recorded at four different locations and mixed and mastered at a fifth. The drums were recorded over a couple of days at Soundlab Studios. The guitars (all digital this time) were recorded at Johan from his Haven's house, while the bass was recorded at drummer Anders Jakobson's house and the vocals in Coldworker Studios. After all that, Dan Swanö mixed and mastered everything at his own Unisound Studios.

Rotting Paradise tracklist:

01. Reversing The Order
02. Citizens Of The Cyclopean Maze
03. Symptoms Of Sickness
04. The Black Dog Syndrome
05. Comatose State
06. Paradox Lost
07. The Last Bitter Twist
08. Seizures
09. The Machine
10. I Am The Doorway
11. Scare Tactics
12. Deliverance Of The Rejected
13. Necromancer

Two more songs were recorded during the session ("Cold World Paranoia", "Identify with the Aggressor") which will end up on a split 7" EP during the year. More info to come about that. Orion Landau from Relapse has done the album's artwork. The CD will be a six-panel digipack with a 12-panel booklet. The album will also be released on vinyl in a gatefold cover with a slightly different front image.

A sample track is available for streaming at this location


Band profile: Coldworker
Posted: 26.02.2008 by Bararey | Comments (0)

Koldborn - Lineup Change

Danish metallers Koldborn have posted the following update on their myspace page:

"A few things are going on in the band - we decided to let Morten go and get original drummer Rasmus back again. It only took a few rehearsals before we had the first new song nailed - super cool to have such an awesome band to write with again! We also recruited former Hatesphere bassist Mikael so basically it's the best lineup we could imagine - both musically and personally. We are currently writing songs for the follow-up to "The Uncanny Valley", and so far the songs turned out really really heavy and intense - I'll make sure to post some samples as soon as we have some decent recordings.

On another notice Rasmus and me will do a 2 hour clinic to demonstrate some of the instrument brands that have supported us over the years. We'll be playing some Koldborn songs and demonstrating techniques besides off course being available for questions and chat about metal music. The clinic will take place at "Gæstgivergården - Banevej 3, 8543 Hornslet" from 19.00 - 21.00 and entrance is for free! Sign up by writing this email The clinic is supported by DMF-Djursland."


Band profile: Koldborn
Posted: 23.02.2008 by Bararey | Comments (0)

Neuraxis - Working On New Album

Prosthetic Records posted the following update on Neuraxis's upcoming album:

Canadian tech-thrashers Neuraxis will enter the studio February 19 with producer Jef Fortin (of fellow Canadians Anonymous) to record the band's fifth studio album. The recording process will be done in late March and is scheduled to be mastered by Alan Douches (Mastodon, Converge, Shadows Fall), and will feature artwork from Dennis Sibeijn of Damnengine Art (Job For A Cowboy, Chimaira). The yet-untitled effort should see a July release through Prosthetic Records.

"We feel this album will be something monumental for Neuraxis," says guitarist Rob Milley. "With the new line-up and the energy we have created in the writing sessions, it's something that is new and refreshing, yet still retains a lot of the essence of what Neuraxis has built since day one."

The new album will be the first studio album featuring new vocalist Alex Leblanc and guitarist William Seghers, both having appeared on the recently released Live Progression, via Galy Records. Live Progression is the live follow-up to Neuraxis' last studio album, 2005's Trilateral Progression. More details, tour dates, and regular in-studio footage updates will be available shortly. The first web episode is online now here and features sneak previews of new songs, as well as commentary in both English and French Canadian on the new material.


Band profile: Neuraxis
Posted: 20.02.2008 by Bararey | Comments (2)