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Primordial - Update From The Studio

"Part 5: From the day I left off till now...
3 days left of mixing

You would think the amount of time I spend skiving off in the studio that I would find the time to continue the diary I started back when we came in. What can I say, I'm like a kid with a shiny toy. quickly bored of it all and waiting for the next brightly coloured impulse purchase to attract my attention.
Well what can I say again, everything's done, we are mixing right now. or rather Billy is flinging himself headlong into the mix and we attempt to go home early and skive off to varying degrees.

It sounds massive, really heavy, dark and so tragic that I cant think of anything to compare it to. we trusted in the songs and right now I am pleased to say we are slowly being rewarded.
Well hey, that's just me
Perhaps its our cold lake, right ?.

So the cover and the pictures for it are starting to take shape and master Paul mccarroll from unhinged art and scald is going to be executing these ideas pretty soon. keeping it in the family bro'...
The DVD looms nearer and nearer and we have ten hours of footage shot to sift through as well.

Slowly but surely the wheels are turning and the gathering wilderness is complete.

more soon"

Posted: 02.11.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Primordial - New DVD, Album, Karmaggedon issue

well time for a new message, a few words here and there...
firstly thanks to the people who persevered through a very wet and often miserable summer breeze festival to see us on Saturday night before Danzig. the crowd was surely the biggest crowd we have ever played to (6000 + ?...) and although I must admit it wasn't the greatest show we have ever played... Things picked up and you live and learn. Not the worst by any means either !!!!.
apart from that the date for the albums recording looms ominous and we have a lot of work to do. more then we ever did I feel, as regards not only the music but the artwork and a little more pressure on a new label. hopefully it will all do us good and we will rise to the challenge...
as i said before the title is "the gathering wilderness"...
a few people have commented to me about the demo release and karmageddons marketing of it not as a demo from 1993 but confusingly as a new album...well all I can say is what does anyone expect ?. if you knew what I knew about them then it would not be surprising, there really isn't much we can do about that kind of thing anymore. the DVD please remember is not a professional DVD release and take it with the small pinch of salt it was intended. It is a raw 40 mins...please allow for that.
anyways, I'm off to do some more worrying !....
thanks to all the people who made summer breeze in the end something to be salvaged from the fire !!!...
now if you would only stop fucking raining for a while !!!!!
its even depressing me

Posted: 29.09.2004 by Music4TheSpirit | Comments (0)

Primordial - working on the new CD's title

PRIMORDIAL vocalist Alan Nemtheanga has posted the following message on the group's official web site:

"The re-release of the now actually looks like it will happen before summer, the Karmageddon guys are just searching for a slot in their timetable right now. On a personal note, I finished the vocals for the VOID OF SILENCE album. In case any of you don't know, they are an Italian doom metal band I joined and went to Rome to record the vocals for their third album in Rome. It came out immense and I haven't stopped listening to it since I got it back, so dark I think some of you will be really surprised with it. It's out on May 10th through Code666 so check it out. As for the new PRIMORDIAL album, we are looking or rather I am pushing to record something during the summer and at least my working title, concerning the lyrics and concept is 'Harvest'. However, everything could change before then..."

Posted: 23.03.2004 by Unknown user | Comments (0)